Top Signs Your Sump Pump Needs Cleaning and Maintenance

A sump pump is a device that helps in removing the excess floss water and water damage. During heavy rain or water clogging, this helps prevent drainage issues and water damage, including mold. As helpful as this pump may be, regular maintenance and cleaning are required to avoid machinery blockage. The components in the sump pump can get damaged and prone to rust without proper care. Let’s understand the signs suggesting it is time to clean and maintain your sump pump.


1. Unusual Noises

Catching the warning signs in your plumbing system can help you get timely repairs. One such symptom of damage in the sump pump is unusual noises. Sometimes, due to loose parts, rust, or debris, you can hear noises of loud grinding, banging, or thumping. Usually, a sump pump only makes a low humming sound, which is normal.

However, you must check the fan or impeller if the pump rattles. This can also cause constant vibration and indicate a damaged, bent, or dirty impeller. To avoid this, you can replace or clean the impeller using an industry-grade cleaner.

2. Reduced Performance

If your pump is running continuously, it may indicate reduced performance. This can be caused by a decrease in the motor’s capacity to handle the water. Accumulated water is usually the main reason behind this problem. However, a faulty switch can also cause your sump pump to malfunction. Every pump product should be used regularly to keep it operating smoothly. If left alone for longer, pump parts may catch debris or rust and stop working.

3. Visible Debris

Debris is really bad for your sump pump’s health. It can cause multiple problems and reduce the pump’s efficiency. Debris on various pump parts can affect its mechanism, causing major operation issues. It can settle on the fan, impeller, and motor, causing it to stop frequently while pumping water out. This can clog the outlets, which leads to excessive motor heating.

If left unchecked, it can lead to expensive replacement and may leave your pump beyond repair. Debris can also cause a sharp, unpleasant smell due to growing mold, as debris causes improper ventilation. Dirt and other materials can stay stuck in the pump mechanism, causing it to fail prematurely.

4. Frequent Cycling

Frequent cycling in a sump pump refers to how quickly it shuts on and off. This cycle affects the pump’s health, as frequent electricity use may cause the motor to heat. Your pump can automatically turn on during high water pressure and off when it’s low. However, frequent changes in water pressure can strain the impeller and cause the motor to fail.

Due to voltage issues, sparking in the internal wires may cause fire and fault. You can install a monitor to track the cycle or replace the wires and switch to avoid this. This can ensure the effectiveness of each pump cycle, providing optimal run time in each usage.

5. Water Level Issues

If you witness irregular water levels in the sump pump, it may indicate severe problems. This suggests that the pump cannot process the water outside and direct it in a new direction. Your pump may seem to be working fine, but if it releases less water, it means there has been improper installation. The pump should be connected to the drainage system to release water. A dry pit is usually the main cause of this, which can indicate immediate repairs to the pump components.

6. Warning Lights or Alarms

Some pumps come with modern features, including alarm and warning lights. If your sump pump is suddenly beeping, it may indicate a problem. This can be due to faulty valves, electricity problems, inconsistent power, clogged impellers, or tangled float switches.  You should do a thorough inspection if your alarms are activated to determine the root cause.

Another reason for blinking warning lights may be leaking oil from your pump. This is a very common sign that your pump parts are damaged and need immediate replacement. Prior repairs and maintenance can help save extreme costs on parts replacement.

7. Pump Age

No matter how expensive or high-quality a sump pump you use, it is bound to last within 7-8  years. Once it reaches this age, repairing the damaged parts or replacing the outdated technology is impossible. Replacing the sump pump with a new one is important to avoid mishappenings. It can catch fire or fail to pump out water during floods or water-clogging situations. This is why it is advised to buy a good quality sump pump to prolong the life of the pump.

Closing Words

It is easy to catch these early warning signs that your sump pump needs repair or replacement. Remember, prevention is better than cure, so keep the pump clean and free of debris and rust. You can use professional cleaning equipment and liquids to keep your motor in healthy working condition. To avoid any extra costs for repairs, you can consult a professional. These experts know how to handle the sump pumps best and can help run your pump efficiently.

PumpProducts is a reputed website offering various high-quality pumps with innovative designs and features. You can buy pumps from over forty leading brands worldwide, which provide durability and industry-grade efficiency.

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